FYI/BYF Things

My real name is not Rutile I just use it because ThatMomentWhen345 is a mouthful and not really a name but I wanted something that people could call me that wasn’t my real name because privacy and all that

I am a pretty socially anxious person so if my interactions are weird I’m really sorry

I will usually not interact with/respond to vent posts or stuff like that because I never know what to say

If you post anything guilt trippy (especially about a serious subject) then I will probably immediately unfollow or block you that stuff messes with me

I will usually not make vent posts or make a bunch of spammy tweets bc I don’t like being annoying and try to keep my tweets to a minimum. My tweets will usually be shitposts or me screaming about things happening in the realm of my interests

I swear and use caps a lot and don’t usually tag them!

I use tone tags but will try not to overuse them

I’m a pretty heavy retweeter so if you don’t want your feed clogged up don’t follow me lol it’s mostly stuff related to Mark and Ethan though

I am not perfect. If I ever make a mistake or say something out of line please, please tell me. I would much rather find out that I did something wrong and learn from it rather than wonder why someone is upset with me. And you have zero obligation to forgive me. I would just really appreciate the benefit of the doubt.

DNI if:

you are a trump supporter, are racist, sexist, ableist, fatphobic, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, if you don’t support xenogenders or neopronouns, if you equate pronouns to gender, if you ship real people, or if you are under thirteen

Please cw/tw suicide and Doki Doki Literature Club thank you